
Concussion policy and links for the training and information resources

Covid-19 Guidance



KYAA Covid-19 Liability Waiver


KYAA Concussion Policy

Kensington Youth Athletic Association (KYAA) recognizes the potential danger and long-term health consequences of this often difficult to diagnose form of traumatic brain injury. This Policy is intended to provide easy-to-understand guidelines related to players who are suspected of suffering or have been diagnosed with a concussion.

The Policy is for Coaches, Parents and Athletes but is to be shared with any other adults or participants in KYAA activities. Please click below to read our concussion policy.


CDC Free Concussion training course

HEADS UP Concussion in Youth Sports is a free, online course available to coaches, parents, and others helping to keep athletes safe from concussion. It is located at the CDC website.


nays Free Concussion training course

The National Alliance for Youth Sports is aware that concussions in sports are an extremely important topic for coaches and parents of young athletes no matter the sport. The Sports Concussion Institute estimates that between 5-10% of all athletes will experience a concussion during a given season and those numbers increase for contact sports such as football and soccer.

Because this is such an important subject, we have created optional concussion training courses for NAYS Coaches and NAYS Parents to supplement the information covered during their training. NAYS has also decided to offer this course to everyone, completely FREE!